Company Registration

What is a company

A company is a business house where a natural person or a legal person or a combination of both can put together their abilities including asset, proficiency, and connections.

How many types of companies do we have

According to clause 202 of the Commercial Law, there are 7 types of companies:

  • Joint-stock Company
  • Private Limited Company
  • General Partnership Company
  • Limited Partnership Company
  • Joint Stock Partnership Co
  • Proportional Liability Partnership
  • Cooperative Production & Consumption Company

Why should we register a company

The credibility of a legal person in the Commercial Law and the supports legal persons receives in the Commercial Law, attract each firm toward registration of the company.

What is the difference between companies

The level of the liabilities of partners and shareholders, the number of partners and shareholders, the value of company asset, the manner in which stock is split (the type of agreement on stock), (clause 1 in the amendment bill of the Commercial Law, clause 4 in the amendment bill of the Commercial Law and clause 94 in Commercial Law)

What are the requirements for company registration

All individuals are able to register a company. However, it will be different based on the level of partners and board of directors’ members.

Is it possible for individuals with unpaid tax(es) to register a company

No. In accordance with Commercial Law and notice filed to the registry office since 2017, the managers with unpaid tax(es) will be prohibited from the company register until full payment or decision be made on the liability and simply, these individuals will register as the shareholders of a company.

Is it possible for individuals with a criminal record certificate to register a company

They shall register the company as the partner or shareholder, but they will not be able to attend the board of directors (in accordance with clause 111, 126 of the Commercial Law).

Is it possible for the government employee to register a company

They can only register a company as the partner or holder of 4% of the share but they will not be able to attend the board of directors to prevent collusion in tax and tender affairs

Is it possible for the government employee to be the member of the board of directors

They will not be able to attend the board of directors to prevent collusion in tax and tender affairs.

Is it possible for individuals under 18 to register a company

They can only register a company as a partner or shareholder. However, legal guardian will be able to sign on behalf.

Is it possible for individuals under 18 to be the member of the board of directors

No. Because they haven't reached legal age, they will not be able to the member of the board of directors.

Is it possible for an individual serving as a CEO for two companies at the same time


In what form are the service activities registered

Usually, they shall be registered in the form of non-commercial entities at the request of the client.

What features and characteristics a company name must have

It must have Farsi (Persian) origin in the Dehkhoda dictionary, 2 special syllables must be used to avoid dissimilarity and it is better to register the name of a company based on the type of company activity.

What kind of companies can Service Company be registered as

Just private company company.

What kind of companies is considered to be commercial company

Companies that are engaged in commercial actions (clause 1 of the Commercial Law).

If one of the company shareholders is a legal person from another country, can we use the Latin name for the company

In this case, it is possible to use Latin syllables in the company name for Iranian companies.

How can we register a foreign name without a foreign company

It is only possible in the form of a brand register or a registered foreign country may take action to establish an agency or branch of the foreign company in Iran.

What features a company address must have

It must have official use, official or commercial document.

Is it possible to introduce an address for registration that is not official at the beginning

It is not required for address to be necessarily official at the time of registration; however, it is not recommended because they will face problems trying to determine the tax zone or receive economic code.

What is the company asset

It is declared as the company credit, cash and non-cash contributions from partners and shareholders to the whole society

What types of asset do we have in different companies

Company asset includes cash or non-cash assets (clause 96 of the Commercial Law).

When we can say that a company is completely registered

When it leads to issuance and reception of announcement by the Company Registration Office and non-commercial entities. Then, the company of official gazette will be published and printed in one of the mass-circulation newspapers introduced for the company.

How many companies can be registered by one person at the same time

There is not limit for it.

Is it possible for members of a family to register a company together

Yes. For the necessity of introducing an inspector, the members must not have of any kind of relationship with the inspector (either by blood or affinity)