Fekre Bartar

Professional system of Legal Institute “Fekr-e Bartar” with great joy and pride announces that this institute by benefiting from professional and experienced experts is ready to provide services internationally (either in Iran or around the world) in the field of company and brand registration, registration of company changes and decisions, transformation of privately held company stocks and partner’s share at a private limited company, dissolution, registration and commercial brand, increment and reduction of capital and all affaire related to companies in the field of registration

Company Registration in Canada

Canada that is located in the northern part of North America, is the very first destination of thousands of emigrants from all around the world. Why? Because this country accepts different cultures and welcomes different religions and traditions and provides a safe and peaceful environment for everyone. This country as one of the industrial countries possesses political stability, a great labor market, and provides business opportunities and a dynamic banking system for those who seek a good business and career.


Company Registration in Turkey

Turkey is one of the places you can choose to live and owning property in Turkey has great privileges and the ability to apply for Permanent residency is one of those privileges. Not all may not know, but Turkey’s rank in the world greats economy is 18 in terms of GDP. In addition، Turkey is located at the most important commercial location in the world connecting 3 continents. Turkey has attracted an investment of more than 100 billion $ and is considered to be a country with the most number of businessmen and entrepreneurs.


Company Registration in Oman

Oman is a country which is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula and has close border with Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen countries. It is officially recognized as the sultanate of Oman. Also, it is one of the beloved and tourism destinies in the Middle East.