What is a commercial card
It is a license by which natural and legal persons can perform business in the field of importation and exportation.
Name the different types of commercial card
- Membership Card
- Natural Commercial Card
- Juridical Commercial Card
- Cooperative Commercial Card
- Main Region Commercial Card
- Free Zone Commercial Card
What are the applications of a commercial card
For importation and exportation, registration and trademarks, obtaining visa, etc.
Who are eligible to obtain a commercial card
- Individuals must not have a criminal record
- Academic degree must be above diploma
- Men must hold a military service completion card
- Individuals with ages between 21 and 22 can obtain an enrollment certificate.
- Related to the companies, individuals can obtain a commercial card that commercial activities have been included in the company establishment advertisement.
What is the difference between a company commercial card and a private commercial card
Company card is issued with the name of the CEO; therefore, the company shall be a commercial company. The natural card is issued with the name of an individual and all private affaire are being taken care of. In a series of commercial activities, e.g., importation of chemicals and medicine, companies possess the most privileges and medicine can only be obtained by the judiciary commercial card.
What are the qualifications for obtaining a pivate card
- For obtaining a private commercial card, it is required for the bank account to have one-year turnover with a value of 200 million. For account less than one year, however, we required qualifications, e.g., individuals must have the exclusive possession of the introduced property, collaborate with state-owned institutions and organizations must be considered, the amount of 30 million must be frozen at the bank as a credit or heavy amount must be deposited into the current account and frozen for receiving the card (the bank account must not have a returned check).
- An office or commercial property is required for the registration of a workplace. In case the property being goodwill, an official lease contract must be established.
- The minimum academic degree for an individual must be a diploma. In case of being under this degree, a commission shall be established:
a subset of an organization and state-owned institutions
a subset of Unions
being active in commercial and business activities
having a heavy account.
- Not having money laundering and criminal record is required. If that is not the case, the individual shall visit the Ministry of Justice. In case that 2 years has passed from the crime time and the individual not committed a single crime since then, a criminal record certificate may be issued by the order of the related judge.
What qualifications are required for obtaining a private card
- Firstly, the commercial activity must be considered on the company registration advertisement, for obtaining a commercial card.
- It is required for the company to have a one-year current account. Clause 1: In case the company doesn't possess a bank account, it is possible to use accounts of the CEO, one of the shareholders or individuals having a right to sign.
- The company must possess an economic code.
- If it is a privately held company, the articles of association and the application must be provided
- The last change advertisement must be presented
- The type of activity must be considered in the Company Registration Office
- The positions must be designated
What are the documents required for obtaining a company commercial card
- Identity documents of the CEO
- Men must provide a military service completion card
- Company documents include change advertisement, official gazette, application form, articles of association, articles of partnership (articles of association and articles of partnership for the privately held company)
- To have a one-year current account
- To have official, commercial lease contract or the document or title deed)
- 3*4 photo
- The seal of offices in the current year
- Register declaration at business offices
- Academic degree above diploma
- criminal record certificate
- To possess an economic code
- Issuance of certificate 186
What are the documents required for obtaining a private commercial card
- Identity documents
- Men must provide a military service completion card
- All the legal books must be received, signed and sealed
- To obtain register declaration at business offices from the Company Registration Office
- Academic degree above diploma
- Classification code establishment at the taxes and pre-registration for the economic code
What type of property is required for obtaining a commercial card
Office or commercial property or property with good will, to have commitment at the notary public office and official document establishment.
What are the documents required for the renewal of a commercial card
If more than 2 years have passed for the renewal of a commercial card, all the stages must be followed again.
In case the CEO was changed
advertisement of the changes, identity documents, criminal record certificate, academic degree, home address, E-mail, phone and mobile number.
Inquiry for certificate 186
In case the address was changed, the advertisement of the changes, company documents, and company address must be changed and a new certificate shall be re-issued for the new address. Inquiry from Social Security Organization and Insurance Settlement Certificate shall be changed in case the address of insurance branch changes.
Where can we obtain property settlement certificate
From the related tax zone considering postal code of the region (North, South, East, West
What type of settlement certificate is required for obtaining a commercial card
Certificate 186 from Tax Administration, settlement certificate from Social Security Organization.
Is it possible for a manufacturer to have an operation license in addition to a commercial card
Yes, he/ she can obtain a commercial card for manufacturing, e.g., raw materials. In case the individual obtains commercial card for manufacturing, he/she shall be free of customs charges because of having an operating license.
Is it a possible for the importer to have a commercial card
Is it possible to export having a commercial card without a name and trade-marks
How many times can we renew the commercial card validity
There is no limit
How long will be the validity period of a commercial card
One year and it is 5 years for the manufacturing-related commercial cards
Is it possible for the company CEO to have both private and company commercial cards, at the same time
Yes, an individual can have both private and company commercial cards at the same time.
What measures must be taken by an applicant for obtaining a company commercial card in case the title deed of an official property belongs to the person
The lease contract shall be established with the name of the company.
Is it required to obtain a license if the commercial card belongs to a company that has a license from a specific organization
Commercial cards are not issued for the state-owned organizations and cooperatives must apply for the card from the Chamber of Cooperatives, itself.
How can we cancel a private commercial card
Firstly, the register declaration in the Chamber of Commerce must be canceled at the Company Registration Office. Next, you must visit the chamber with all the documents and the card shall be canceled.
Is it possible for an individual holding company commercial card to engage in both importation and exportation
It must be considered at both Company Registration Office and declaration and the importation and exportation must be chosen at the Chamber of Commerce.
Is possessing an academic degree required for obtaining a commercial card
Yes, an academic degree above diploma is required.
For an individual holding an academic degree of diploma, is it required for him/her to participate in the educational courses of the company
Yes. It is commercial professionals who shall not participate in the courses.
What is the difference between commercial cards in Tehran and other cities
There is no difference
Who shall be able to obtain commercial cards in the cities
It makes no change; all eligible individuals eligible can obtain a private or company commercial card except for free-trade zones.
What is the difference between commercial cards at free-trade zones and main region
Main region commercial cards shall be issued for individuals who are obtaining the card at the free-trade zone and they can only work on that region. For the individuals to work in other cities, they shall obtain a card from the nearby cities and these cards are called main region commercial cards. In the free-trade zones, a main region commercial card must be obtained from Rash (Guilan province) to work in other cities.
Is it possible for an individual, representative of a foreign company in Iran, to obtain a commercial card at the name of the company
Is it required for the representative of a foreign company to obtain a commercial card for the importation of his/ her products
Yes, he/ she shall obtain the commercial card, from the Iran Chamber of Commerce.
How many people can obtain a commercial card, simultaneously
Each card shall be issued for an induvial. Private commercial card shall be issued with the name of an individual and company commercial card with the name of CEO.
In a company, who shall receive the commercial card with his/her photo on it
Who is liable for the company commercial card
It is the CEO’s liability
Is there any difference between liabilities of commercial cards at free-trade zones and the main region
Yes, this question was answered in detail.
What type of activities can be done using a commercial card
All the authorized activities in the field of commerce, e.g., importation of alcoholic drinks are forbidden in Islamic countries like Iran.