Cooperative Company Registration

What is a cooperative company

A company that is formed for being active in affairs related to production and distribution in line with the stated objectives of the law, cooperative section, and to improve the economic and social status of the members through cooperation and collaboration by observing the law.

What are the types of cooperative companies

Cooperative Production & Consumption Company, Credit Cooperative Company, Public Stock Cooperative Company, Dwelling Cooperative Company, Multipurpose Cooperative Company

Which organization supervises cooperative companies

In addition to Ministry Of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare, Ministry of Cooperatives,

How is the registration of a cooperative company being done

At least 7 members, capital of 1000000 Rial and obtaining related licenses are required.

What is a production cooperative

Production cooperatives include cooperatives operating in the fields of agriculture, farming, livestock, fishing and fish breeding, fisheries, industry, mine, urban and rural and tribal development and the like.

What is a distribution cooperative company

Distribution cooperatives include those cooperatives which supply the needs and requirements for production jobs and/or their member consumers within the framework of public interest and for the purpose of decreasing the costs and prices.

In what manner is the asset being split at a cooperative company

It is split equally

What are the minimum and the maximum number of members at a limited cooperative

The minimum and maximum number of members in cooperatives shall be determined in proportion to capital, employment opportunity, nature of activity, and observing the principle of avoiding wealth accumulation and multiplicity through a By-law, to be approved by Ministry of Cooperatives; however, the number of members shall not be less than 7 people.

What is the minimum capital for the establishment of specific and common cooperatives

According to the guidelines for the establishment of cooperatives, the minimum capital for the establishment of specific and common cooperatives are one hundred million Rial and 10 million Rial, respectively.

Who shall be responsible for the establishment of a cooperative

Board of Founders

How is the Cooperative establishment and Registration being done

Cooperative societies and unions shall have to submit the following documentation for duly corporation and registration by observing the present Act upon preparation of the plan and its approval in a manner that will be determined in executive By-law:

  • The minutes of establishment of founding assembly and the first general assembly and list of members and elected board of directors and inspectors.
  • The articles of association approved by the general assembly
  • The application for registration in writing
  • The proposed plan and submission of license issued by Ministry of Cooperatives.
  • The receipt for paying the required payable capital.
  • The call and invitation documentation

Under what conditions, are leaveing the membership and being dismissed possible

Leaving the membership at a cooperative company may be due to abdication, the death of one of the members or being dismissed. Therefore it must be said that leaving the cooperative company may be optional, involuntarily or obligatory and for the optional leaving membership at a cooperative company e.g., abdication of membership, law states that: leaving the membership of cooperative companies is optional and no one can prohibit such option. This is due to the rational freedom for membership at the cooperative companies: being a member of the company is free and staying must not have obligatory aspect. The law sees the two following conditions as necessary to follow:

  • The specialists and expert members of production cooperatives must inform the latter in writing of their intention for resignation at least six month prior to resignation.
  • In case the member’s quitting causes losses for cooperative, he/she shall be obliged to indemnify the same.

Under what conditions, bieng dismissed of the membership is possible

Being dismissed of the membership is another type of obligatory leaving from the cooperative company that can happen under certain cases and specific conditions: a member is dismissed from cooperative in the following cases:

  • Losing each and every membership qualifications and requirements stipulated in the this law.
  • Non observing the provisions of articles of association and other legal commitments after two written notices by the board of directors each at a 15 day interval and in 15 days after the second notice upon approval of ordinary general assembly.
  • To commit acts causing material damages to cooperative in such a way that the member would be unable to compensate the same within one year or to commit the actions causing damages to the prestige and reputation of cooperative or to have unsound competition with cooperative.

Is it allowed to transfer stock non-member at a cooperative company

Optional transferring of stock of a cooperative company is not allowed. This is due to the contraposition at the article 3 clause 37 of the law, cooperative division, saying that “only, transferring stock of a member to another member is prescribed”. Unless, in the obligatory transfer case, it is transferred to an heir member of the cooperative.

Who is eligible for any type of change at a cooperative company

Authorization for any type of at the articles of association, making decisions on discharge or the approval of board of directors’ abdication, dissolution or merged companies shall fall under the jurisdiction of general assymbly

What is the minimum number of individuals for the first time extraordinary general assymbly at a cooperative company

In the first time invitation, extraordinary general assymbly shall be recognized with the attendance of two-thirds of all the members, advocates or fully authorized representatives. Each the members shall posses 1 vote without considering the value of the share.

What is the minimum number of individuals for the second time extraordinary general assymbly at a cooperative company

In case that the assembly couldn’t be convened due to the fact that the number of individuals wasn’t reached, members shall be invited for the second time for holding the assymbly and the announcement for the second invitation shall be issued with the same minute maximum within 15 days after the date of first time assymbly. In this case, the extraordinary general assembly shall be official if a minimum of half plus one of the members, advocates and fully authorized representatives attend this assymbly.

What is the minimum number of individuals for the third time extraordinary general assymbly at a cooperative company

In case the third assembly couldn’t be convened due to not being recognized, members shall be invited for the third time by issuing an announcement similar to the description and arrangement of the second time. The extraordinary general assembly shall be convened, regardless of the number of official participants.

What is the rate of votes on which decisions are made at an extraordinary general assembly

Half of the members plus one vote of the participant must be obtained.

What is the general assymbly task at a cooperative company

To make decisions on all affairs related to the company except for those on the extraordinary general assembly authorization.

What is the minimum number of individuals for the first time general assembly?

In the first time invitation, the general assembly shall be convened with the attendance of the majority of members.

What is the minimum number of individuals for the second time general assembly

In case that the first time assembly couldn’t be convened due to the fact that the number of individuals wasn’t reached, members shall be invited for the second time for convening the assembly. The second time assembly shall be recognized, regardless of the number of current participants. For the second invitation, having a lesser quorum than the first one is acceptable due to the fact that the convening of an assembly shall be easier.

What is the rate of votes on which decisions are made at a general assembly

At a general meeting, all resolutions will be passed by the affirmative vote of fifty per centum plus on vote of those present at the meeting,

How is the election rate for the managers and inspectors

For the election of directors and inspectors, plurality shall be sufficient

Who is obliged to call for the general assembly of the board of directors

Borad of Directors and Ministry of Cooperatives, Labour, and Social Welfare

What is the requirement of establishing a board of directors

Board of directors meetings is established by the invitation of the chairman or vice president and presence of more than fifty percent of its members.

How long is the tenure of board of directors’ member

Members of the board of directors are elected for the time of 3 years by secret voting, writing (using document) and a plurality shall be sufficient for their selection.

Why cooperative companies are free of payment of taxes

Due to this fact that they are for the improvement of economic status and helping society.